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How to TOUGHERthan

Welcome to TOUGHERthan.

TOUGHERthan (Tt) is a platform that’s meeting the moment: we aim to provide a common ground for the every-individual seeking growth, insight, and the spaces outside of their comfort zone. Here you’ll find in-house articles, uncomfortable conversations, wellbeing practises, active projects and neighbouring collectives.

Be honest, if you’re finding yourself here it’s likely that you’ve noticed that the prescribed ABCs aren’t cutting it. Whether it’s a feeling of dissatisfaction, wishing that there’s something more, or just being tired of a value system based on arbitrary and unspoken agreements… you are in the right place.

The world is losing its betterment as social reward teaches us that our worth is determined by the masses, that any means is justified for the win, and that the priority is our instant gratification. The loudest voice is the MOST heard, the first and fastest response holds the MOST value, and our personal experience is what MOST matters. Rejecting prescribed ABCs means rejecting this very “Me-most” model. At TOUGHERthan we are going back to some serious basics – effective listening, personal contemplation, and deliberate questioning – to first challenge our perceptions and then participate in acting intentionally and for purpose. It’s time to own that everything you do affects – from your relationship with yourself to the global collective.

being a force greater
than your obstacle

Forged from our cofounders’ Paralympian Mindset, we believe we create our way. This is about being human first, leaving the rigidity of prescribed ABCs to seize your best life. We challenge you to seek discomfort. We highlight the “SUPER. HUMAN.” perspective. We advocate being a force greater than your obstacle.

TOUGHERthan is taking a no-exceptions accountability for our mindset, our actions (and reactions), and their impact on the world around us. We explore the HOW TO instead of echoing the obstacle.

What you get out of this platform is entirely up to you and your cognitive flexibility. Do you want change? And are you willing to change for that change to happen?

Prepare yourself… TOUGHERthan cannot provide you with the solution. You are the solution. TOUGHERthan will, however, provide you with tools to change the way you look at the blueprint and challenge your roadblocks. With an empowered mindset the impossible is no longer finite, it’s simply an indication of there being different paths to take – and having the courage to do so.


Total accountability
Effective awareness
Radical autonomy 
Unapologetically authentic
Community consciousness
Intentional collective
Ask better questions 
No bullshit 

Are you ready to #BeTougherThan ?

– empowered and intentional.

How to approach TOUGHERthan content

  • Approach the content intentionally 
  • Return to non-judgement and non-reactivity
  • Challenge preconceptions and expand perceptions
  • Consider the broader impact
  • Practise the lessons identified
  • And, sometimes the most challenging, don’t take it personally.

Disclaimer! Not everything will resonate with you, it’s not designed to, but everything can provoke growth within you if you let it. Uncomfortable is good, you’re outside your comfort zone and that’s where change happens!

Welcome to the TOUGHERthan community

TougherThan logo. A greater than symbol, an arrow pointing to the right, is created using connected triangles fitted together in shades of grey. Dissecting this is a yellow vertical line through the centre and another across the top of the greater than symbol to visually form a letter “T”. Next to this T and in the point of the arrow is another greater than symbol, in yellow. This graphic forms the majority of the logo. It is then complemented with a three-sided, top, right, and bottom, square border outline in black. The visual effect is to have the symbol inside a box. Inside and along the bottom of the now created box is the word “tougherthan”. “Tougher” is written in all caps in very dark grey. “Than” is written in lower case in lighter grey colour. The “A” in “than” is substituted for a yellow greater than symbol.
TOUGHERthan | co-founded by Eva Fejes and Ness Murby

Look within, be honest, take accountability.
Who are you?  What do you want?  How do you affect?
Re-approach the world